Zina Bozzay is an active performer, arranger, researcher, educator, and cultural bridge-builder working with traditional Hungarian village folk songs.
Born in San Francisco and trained by master Hungarian folk singers, Zina Bozzay researches, teaches, performs, and arranges traditional Hungarian village folk songs, regularly appearing in venues across the US and Hungary. She collects songs and stories from last living village singers across the Carpathian Basin. Serving as a bridge between Hungarian villages and people around the world, Zina founded the Hungarian Folk Singing Circle in San Francisco in 2010, and currently continues it in Hungary as well as virtually for participants on six continents. Zina holds a Masters degree in Music Composition and tours internationally with her ensemble Vadalma, performing her acclaimed original arrangements of the folk songs. She gives lectures and presentations on this heritage, works on various projects related to international audiences and accessibility, mentors professional musicians, worked on Hungary’s successful nominations to UNESCO’s Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and is frequently featured on national and international television for her work.