News Hungarian Celebrations and Awards in Sao Paulo

Hungarian Celebrations and Awards in Sao Paulo


On March 13, the Hungarian community of Sao Paulo has held a commemoration of the Hungarian Revolution in 1848. The event took place at the Hungarian House in Sao Paulo with over 70 people being present. During the occasion, Consul General László Zsuzsanna has presented Richter Klára with the Hungarian Golden Crest of Merit for her precious, decades long work which has led to the revival of the Balázs Péter Nursing Home. Moreover, Budavári Hilda Gizella has received the Hungarian Silver Crest of Merit for her activity as the editor of ‘Híradó’, the newspaper of the Hungarian community in Brazil.

The event was very colorful thanks to the performance of the Pántlika Hungarian Folk Dance Group and the recitation of Demkó Anita. The celebration ended with a reception of the General Consulate and the Hungarian House.


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